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Helping Reshape

Their Opinions 

On Reform.



At the tender age of 22 years old, the only child and father of a then four year old son faced odds more unfathomable than he could have imagined and lost. In 1993, Wright was tried and subsequently convicted of the rape, robbery and murder. The case was riddled with misconduct that included a coerced confession and falsified evidence amongst other misgivings. After spending years maintaining his innocence, Wright was exonerated of all charges and set free to reclaim his life. He received a settlement from the city of Philadelphia for an unprecedented amount of money.

With a new lease on life, he is making good on a self imposed obligation to instill hope and inspiration into the men and women who have been and are currently entangled in the legal system. A passionate advocate for criminal justice reform, Wright is utilizing his unique position to rally for change. As a speaker and activist he uses his voice to promote change and to create awareness for are a higher risk for becoming entangled within that system.


Anthony Wright is a

Criminal Justice Reform, Motivational Speaker, Author

is determined to spread his knowledge and personal experiences to correct the wrong in today's legal system.

Exonoree Anthony Wright is walking in his truth after spending 9,074 days wrongfully incarcerated. The Philadelphia native maintained his innocence for 25 years and with assistance from the attorneys at The Innocence Project, his case sparked unprecedented change in the Philadelphia Legal System.

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Live to Tell: The Trial, Conviction, and Exoneration of Anthony Wright


"Although I will never get over the 25 years I spent in prison

for crimes I did not commit, or missing time with my mother

before she died or with my son the whole time he was growing

up, I am relieved that I can now get on with my life,"

- A. Wright 


Photo Credit: Philadelphia Inquirer 




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